
closed contour meaning in Chinese



  1. Automated capture of the heights of closed contours
  2. 2 the line integral of the tangential component of the magnetic field intensity h around a closed contour c is equal to the sum of currents passing through any surface s linking that contour
  3. This dissertation proposes an algorithm to detect edges and extract contours from medical images based on quadric spline wavelets transform . the algorithm can generate single , continuous and close contours . there are two main methods of surface reconstruction ? explicit connecting contours method and implicit function method
  4. Improving methods are introduced about how to solve the problem of initial value and global minimum , how to find the closest contour point , and how to find the 2d transformation of terrain matching algorithm based on icp algorithm in the dissertation . icp algorithm by igg m - estimation is proposed for improving the robustness . the simulation results show that the algorithm is reasonable and effective
  5. For reconstruction from contours , this dissertation uses active contour model ( snake model ) to check the boundary contours . the algorithm can generate single , continuous and close contours quickly . for reconstruction from voxel , this dissertation presents an algorithm to trace the boundary contours from segmented regions based on active contour model . the algorithm can trace the contours of inter and outer connected multi - regions correctly and accurately , and can prevent tracing from jumping out to the neighbor region , also can define the contour precision and contour key points actively as snake is growing up
    对于基于轮廓线的表面重建,利用主动轮廓模型( activemodel ,又称snakemodel )来完成断层图象上目标轮廓的提取,可以获得单象素连通的封闭的目标边界轮廓;针对基于体素的表面重建中实施了分割后的体数据,提出了一种基于主动轮廓模型完成二值图象中轮廓跟踪记录的方法,可以对同属于重建目标的内外邻接多区域进行正确和准确的边界轮廓跟踪,使得在跟踪当前轮廓时不会跨越到相邻轮廓,且主动轮廓的精度可以根据参数交互决定,尤其是能够在主动轮廓成长的同时主动定义轮廓关键点。

Related Words

  1. isogeothermal contour
  2. contour cropping
  3. projected contour
  4. airfoil contour
  5. strength contour
  6. contoured chaplet
  7. bottom contour
  8. contour strip
  9. noise contours
  10. infrared contour
  11. closed container mechanically ventilated
  12. closed continuous culture
  13. closed contour integral
  14. closed contract
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